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Title: Le Grand Canal
Description: Le Grand Canal is an oil on canvas painting by French Impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840 - 1926). This painting is part of a series of paintings Monet undertook during 1908. This painting series en plein air, is a classic view of the Grand Canal, an attempt to capture the ever-changing face Venice, as seen from the Palazzo Barbaro, where he stayed during his trip, was painted during a period that is generally regarded by art historians as the peak of his career. One of the paintings from this series of Venetian waterscapes by Claude Monet was sold for more than $35 million at 2015 Sotheby's auction. Sotheby's called this painting "one of the most celebrated Venice paintings". Previously it has been in the private collection of the New Orleans sugar magnate, Hunt Henderson, who was a noted art collector.
Author(s): Claude Monet