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Title: Bottle, Glass, Fork
Description: Bottle, Glass, Fork (otherwise known as Bouteille, Verre, et Fourchette) is a painting by Pablo Picasso (1881–1973). It was painted in the spring of 1912, at the height of the development of analytic Cubism. Bottle, Glass, Fork is one of the best representations of the point in Picasso's career when his Cubist painting reached almost full abstraction. The analytic phase of Cubism was an original art movement developed by Picasso and his contemporary Georges Braque (1882–1963) and lasted from 1908-1912. Like Bottle, Glass, Fork, the paintings of this movement are characterized by little use of color, and a complex, elegant composition of small, fragmented, tightly interwoven planes within an all-over composition of broader planes. While the figures in Bottle, Glass, Fork can be difficult to discern, the objects do emerge after careful study of the painting. The painting is displayed in the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Author(s): Pablo Picasso