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Title: The Back Series
Description: The Back Series is a series of four bas-relief sculptures, by Henri Matisse. It's Matisse's largest and most monumental sculptures. The plaster originals are housed in the Musée Matisse in Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France. They were modeled between 1909 and 1930. Back (I) appeared in the second PostImpressionist show in London, and the Armory Show in New York City. All four sculptures were unique plaster casts until 1950, when Back (I), (III), and (IV) were cast in bronze. Back (II) was rediscovered in 1955, a year after the artist’s death, then it was cast. The series have been cast in a bronze edition of twelve, included one for the artist's family. Nine complete sets are housed in nine major museums around the world:
Author(s): Henri Matisse