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Title: Artemisia
Description: Artemisia Receiving Mausolus' Ashes (also known as Sophonisba Receiving the Poisoned Cup) is a painting by the Dutch master Rembrandt. It is housed in the Museo del Prado of Madrid, Spain. It is signed "REMBRANDT F: 1634". The subject of the picture is still unclear. It portrays a young woman, variously identified as Sophonisba or Artemisia, or a generic queen due to her jewels and rich garments, receiving a cup from a maiden. The cup would contain the ashes of Artemisia's husband, King Mausolus, or, in the case of Sophonisba, the poison which killed her. For the woman, Rembrandt probably used his wife Saskia as model.
Author(s): Rembrandt van Rijn