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Title: En Canot
Description: En Canot, referred to in various publications as Im Boot, Le Canot, Femme au Canot et à l'Ombrelle, En Bâteau, In the Canoe, The Boat, On the Beach, Am Strand, Im Schiff, V Člunu and Im Kanu, is an oil painting by Jean Metzinger. The work was exhibited in Paris at the Salon d'Automne of 1913. The following year it was shown at Moderní umění, 45th Exhibition of SVU Mánes in Prague, February-March 1914 (a collection of works assembled by Alexandre Mercereau). This "Survey of Modern Art" was one of the last prewar exhibitions in Prague. En Canot was exhibited again, in July of the same year, at the Galerie Der Sturm, Berlin. The painting was acquired in 1916 by Georg Muche at Galerie Der Sturm. En Canot was exhibited in the Kronprinzenpalais, Nationalgalerie, Berlin, 1930, where it had been housed since 1927. The work was acquired by the Nationalgalerie in 1936 (on deposit by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung), where it was placed on display in Room 5. It was later confiscated by the Nazis around 1936, displayed at the Degenerate Art Exhibition (Entartete Kunst) in Munich and other cities, 1937–38, and has been missing ever since.
Author(s): Jean Metzinger