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Title: Brooklyn Bridge
Description: Brooklyn Bridge is a 1915 painting by the French artist, theorist and writer Albert Gleizes. The painting was reproduced in a photograph of Gleizes published in The Literary Digest, 27 November 1915 (p. 1225). Brooklyn Bridge was exhibited at the Montross Gallery, New York, 1916 (no. 40) along with works by Jean Crotti, Marcel Duchamp and Jean Metzinger. This is the first in a series of three highly abstract paintings by Gleizes of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the most abstract painting of the bridge to date. Gleizes and the Italian-American artist Joseph Stella had been friends since 1915 and ihas been of interest to compare this painting with Stella's Brooklyn Bridge of 1919-20. The American collector John Quinn acquired Brooklyn Bridge and several other works by Gleizes that had been on view at Montross Gallery, either during the exhibition or subsequently. In 1927, an exhibition and sale of Quinn's art collection took place in New York City. The sale was conducted by Otto Bernet and Hiram H. Parke at the American Art Galleries. A catalogue was published for the occasion by the American Art Association. Brooklyn Bridge (n. 263 of the catalogue) was purchased at the sale for $60. Brooklyn Bridge forms part of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Founding Collection. It was gifted to the museum by Solomon Guggenheim between 1937 (the year of the formation of the foundation) and 1949, or purchased by the foundation during those years. The painting is in the permanent collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City.
Author(s): Albert Gleizes